You are not alone
Alcohol, Tobacco, & Drugs
CARE offers a number of prevention programs which provide information and strategies to help you manage your health and safety. Taking preventive measures before facing a health or safety crisis is the single most important step you can take to reduce the risk factors for behavioral health and substance use disorder. Groups and presentations are offered for free to the community.
Paper People
Paper People is a school-based program designed to change society’s pattern of alcohol and other drug use by providing introductory information and skills before the age of experimentation. The goal of Paper People is to promote ways for children to be safe and healthy. Paper People teaches youth the difference between good and bad things that they put in their body, what a trusting adult is, how to take care of themselves, and the dangers of alcohol and tobacco. Additionally, children are informed at a developmentally appropriate level about emerging drug and safety trends, gun/needle safety, and when and how to call 911. The Paper People program is an 8 week series and is provided to preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade students in Macomb County.
Peaceful Alternatives to Tough Situations (PATTS)
PATTS is based on a trauma-informed approach that focuses on emotional regulation and teaches peer-refusal skills, appropriate conflict-resolution skills, identification and verbalization of emotions, recognition of anger cues, calming techniques, and forgiveness. Sessions are highly interactive and use group discussion, role playing, games, and skills review. Parents also receive training on the skills being taught to youth participants to reinforce the use of these skills at home. PATTS is a 6 weeks series and is provided to middle and high school students and their parents throughout the county.
Teen Intervene
Teen Intervene is an early intervention session targeting 12- to- 18 year olds who display the early stages of alcohol or drug use problems (i.e. using or possessing drugs during school) but do not use these substances daily or demonstrate substance use. This intervention aims to help teens reduce and/or ultimately eliminate their alcohol and other drug use. The program also offers parents and caregivers the opportunity to learn healthy communication skills and the importance of establishing family rules surrounding substance use. The program is facilitated as an intensive, one day, seven hour program at CARE of Southeastern Michigan.

Life Skills
Life Skills is an evidenced-based substance abuse prevention program proven to reduce the risks of alcohol, tobacco, substance use, and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of drug use and other risky behaviors. Through skill building and skill practice, the program aims to target factors thought to be linked to aggression, violence, and substance use. In addition, the program promotes social skills, empathy, school connectedness, and the adoption of conventional norms about drug use. This comprehensive and exciting program provides adolescents and young teens with the confidence and skills necessary to successfully handle challenging situations. Based upon the age-appropriate curriculum, Life Skills is a 6-12 week series provided to 3rd-12th grade students in Macomb County.
Second Step
Second Step is a school-based program targeted towards students from Kindergarten- 5th grade. Second Step is designed to increase students’ school success and decrease problem behaviors by promoting social-emotional competence and self-regulation. It teaches skills that strengthen students’ ability to learn, have empathy, manage emotions, and solve problems. The program targets key factors linked to a range of problem behaviors. Equipping students with Second Step creates a safer, more respectful learning environment that promotes school success for all. Based upon the age-appropriate curriculum, Second Step is a 12- 22 week series provided to 1st-8th grade students in Macomb County.
Seeking Safety
Seeking Safety is a present-focused model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance use, without requiring participants to share their trauma narrative. This is an on-going, weekly drop-in group that addresses safety as the overarching goal, including safety in relationships, thinking, behavior, and emotions. It acknowledges that trauma can contribute to substance abuse, and addresses Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), behavioral responses, and emotional responses.
We are here to help. We are here for whenever you need us.
Interested in learning more or scheduling a session at your school or community group? Call us at (586) 541-2273 or contact us.