Classes at CARE
Parenting Classes
Parenting can be the most rewarding and challenging job in the world. For all the memorable birthdays, soccer games, graduations, and other milestones, parenting also comes with enormous responsibilities, a monotonous daily grind, relentless worry, sleep deprivation, and very little time to yourself.
Most of us are pretty unprepared for the demands of parenting, yet we navigate the best we can with no roadmap to guide us.
We know how hard parenting can be
CARE offers a range of positive parenting classes for families with children of any age to help you stay on course. From newborn to teenager, CARE’s free parenting classes will give you the skills and information you need to reach and support your kids in meaningful ways and improve behavior. Parents can choose from three different classes, depending on the age of their child:
Parenting Young Children — for parents of children 0-4
Parenting School Age Children —for parents of children 5-12
Parenting Teens – for parents of children 12-18
All of CARE’s education classes provide the information and tools so you learn to:
- improve your relationship with your child
- communicate more effectively
- gain more cooperation
- have fewer power struggles
- provide discipline that teaches personal responsibility
Grandparents, stepparents, and other caregivers
These free parenting classes are not just for parents. We welcome the opportunity to include stepparents, grandparents, guardians, foster parents, educators and day care providers.

Ready to find a class near you?
CARE’s parenting classes are offered throughout your community. You can register for classes online or by calling CARE at 586-541-2273.
Interested in hosting a class at your location? Call 586-541-2273 and ask to speak with our parent education coordinator.
We will never give up on you. We’re here when you are ready.

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