The Case Manager is the point person for coordinating care and linking families with the support services they need
Home Based Case Management
Home based parenting and case management are available to help families with young children that are struggling with multiple needs. Your case manager will provide home parent education, resource coordination, developmental screenings, assistance with transportation and housing, and referrals for community services.
Case management coordinates complex needs by providing an assessment, planning, evaluation, and collaboration so that multiple needs can be addressed utilizing high quality, efficient resources. The Case Manager is the point person for coordinating care and linking to the needed management services.
Substance Abuse Support Services
Substance Abuse Support Services (SASS) are available by referral from Macomb County Department of Human Services. Families with case management needs who have a history of substance use services and have an open case in one of the following programs:
- Children’s Protective Services
- Foster Care
- Adoption Process
- Juvenile Justice/Delinquency
Supportive Opportunities for Families
In the home case management program for pregnant woman and/or women and families with children under age 5. Services provided include case management, education, resource coordination and parenting support. CARE also provides developmental screenings, and needs and strengths assessments. The case manager offers assistance securing housing, employment and transportation and will provide referrals and resources for childcare, community programs, and counseling.
Women Specialty
Case management geared toward pregnant women and women with children who are transitioning into recovery. The case manager will assist with housing, employment transportation, health services, parenting classes, certified recovery coaching and coordination with treatment facilities.