CARE of Southeastern Michigan provides professional and emotional support services to those seeking to change their lives. These primarily focus on substance abuse prevention and recovery, harm-reduction, co-occuring mental health challenges, and personal or workplace issues.
We connect individuals struggling with substance use, their families, and their loved ones to a whole community of people in recovery. We also offer programs focusing on prevention, parenting, teen outreach and services, mental and emotional health, and other areas vital to personal and community well-being.
No one has to do this alone. We make connections. We make progress. And we never give up.
Concerned about a friend, employee, loved one—or yourself? We can help you right now. Everyone can find a path to a healthier life.
Each person’s struggles are unique—and so is their path forward. Whatever that path may be, progress is more likely with the right support. Our Recovery United team connects people with the resources they need to pursue long-term substance abuse recovery.
Our Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) help workers and organizations address a wide range of personal, interpersonal, and familiy struggles.
At our Recovery Community Center (32577 Garfield Road, Fraser, MI 48026) we offer job skills training and resources, support groups, parenting classes, teen outreach and support, enrichment programs, naloxone and Narcan training sessions, and more.
CARE helped me to find a huge part of who I am. I love everything that I do with them, and I can’t wait to have a career where I get to do that sort of thing every day. That is the reason that I want to be a social worker.