You are not alone
Cocaine & Crack
Cocaine use and cocaine addiction are on the rise. The number of young people trying cocaine and crack cocaine has jumped by 50% in recent years [1]—even as overall teen rates of alcohol and drug abuse have declined. Cocaine-related overdoses have leapt to a new high, rising roughly 365% since 2010. [2]
In 2017, 13,942 people died from crack and cocaine overdoses. [3] That’s more than thirteen thousand sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.
Do you—or does someone you know—need help with crack, cocaine, or other drugs?
If you need help, we’re here for you—and we understand.
What Does Crack and Cocaine Addiction Treatment Look Like?
You’re not alone in this. CARE’s Recovery United program will connect you with a whole community of people recovering from addiction, restoring your hope and wellbeing.
We’ve been where you are—nights in jail, borrowing money, missing family events, lying to the people who care about you. We were sure we had it all under control. We relapsed. We tried detoxing and going into treatment on our own. We’ve had trouble even imagining what life looks like without drug use. We felt like we’d “tried everything” and failed. We lost hope.
At CARE we know that addiction treatment takes many forms and there are multiple paths to recovery. Your path could include traditional 12-step programs, counseling, cognitive-behavioral treatment, faith-based programs—or something completely different. Whatever your path, rehabilitation is more likely when you have the right support.
Each person served by Recovery United is paired with a Peer Recovery Coach. Together, you and your coach construct an individual path to recovery. This includes:
- Meeting as often as you need, in a place that works for you, on the schedule that your recovery demands
- Identifying triggers, risks factors, and relapse prevention strategies
- Making short-term and long-term goals
- Building your community support network—a group of people who understand your struggle
- Developing the self-sufficiency and self-honesty you need for a lasting recovery

Peer Recovery Coaches are themselves in long-term recovery. Each coach has extensive training on addiction, recovery, substance use disorder, and the resources available to assist you. More importantly, they’re absolutely committed to the individual path to recovery you’ve chosen. Your coach provides the encouragement and support you need to keep you accountable to yourself.
Have You Had Enough?
Everyone can find a path to substance abuse recovery. It’s time for you to choose yours. Contact Recovery United now to connect with our rehab community.
Interested in CARE’s work? Learn how you can support CARE, our programs, our services, and crack/crack cocaine recovery in Southeastern Michigan.
We don’t give up on anyone. We’re here when you’re ready.
[1] “American cocaine use is way up. Colombia’s coca boom might be why,” Washington Post
[2] “Overdose death rates,” National Institute on Drug Abuse
[3] “Overdose death rates,” National Institute on Drug Abuse